Podcast with Dr. Christina Vela, the CEO of St. Jude’s Ranch for Children
Anyone who has driven by St. Jude’s Ranch for Children on the lakeside of Boulder City has seen major construction work under way on 10 acres on the southside of the facility. Dr. Christina Vela, the CEO of St. Jude’s Ranch, explains what’s going on there with the creation of the Healing Center, a first-of-its-kind facility that will address the treatment of victims of sex trafficking. Dr. Vela also explains how St. Jude’s Ranch for Children currently operates and how the Healing Center will be different but serve the same original goals of St. Jude’s Ranch as it celebrates its 57th anniversary in 2023. Vela reveals little known facts about the Ranch including services offered in its Chapel and the fact that there is no connection with the famous St. Jude’s Hospital in Memphis, when she spoke with Boulder City Podcast host Roger Gros at her office at St. Jude’s Ranch for Children in early August.